Quant Trading Made Easy
Transform your trading ideas into reality with QuantBe's no-code platform. Enjoy the simplicity of AI-driven strategy development and intuitive drag-and-drop tools, making quant trading accessible and straightforward.
Efficient Strategy Development Enhanced Market Focus
Maximize Your Potential with AI
AI Generated Strategy
Let AI and ML tools at QuantBe craft your strategies, analyzing market data to provide actionable insights and streamline strategy development.
Leverage LLM with QuantBe Assistant
Interact with QuantBe Assistant for strategy guidance and product insights. This Chat LLM tool simplifies and enhances your trading experience.
Smart Fuzzy Matching
QuantBe simplifies pattern and trend analysis with efficient fuzzy matching, requiring minimal inputs for insightful market insights.
Maximize Your Potential with AI
AI Generated Strategy
Let AI and Machine Learning tools at QuantBe craft your strategies. They analyze market data to provide actionable insights, streamlining your strategy development.
Leverage LLM with QuantBe Assistant
Interact with QuantBe Assistant for strategy guidance and product insights. This Chat LLM tool simplifies and enhances your trading experience.
Smart Fuzzy Matching
QuantBe simplifies pattern and trend analysis with efficient fuzzy matching, requiring minimal inputs for insightful market insights.
Strategies Engineered for Success
Turn your trading ideas into reality with QuantBe. Choose from numerous indicators and utilize our Machine Learning pattern recognition for sharp analysis. We handle the complex coding, seamlessly turning your vision into precise algorithms.
Turn your trading ideas into reality with QuantBe. Choose from numerous indicators and utilize our Machine Learning pattern recognition for sharp analysis. We handle the complex coding, seamlessly turning your vision into precise algorithms.
QuantBe currently supports NASDAQ and NYSE, with plans to embrace new markets and asset types.
We Now Supports
Coming Soon
Everything Sounds Amazing?
Join Our Beta Today
Basic Plan
Explore QuantBe's core features with our Free Plan – a perfect start to your trading journey.
check_circle Strategy Editor
check_circle Realtime Market Data (NASDAQ & NYSE)
check_circle Full Indicator List
check_circle Pattern Recognition
check_circle AI Features
check_circle First Week Unlimited BackTest Run
check_circle LiveTrading
Beta Plan
$14.99 USD/Month
Introductory offer for the first 3 months, a premium plan will be introduced in the future.
check_circle Strategy Editor
check_circle Realtime Market Data (NASDAQ & NYSE)
check_circle Full Indicator List
check_circle Pattern Recognition
check_circle AI Features
check_circle Unlimited BackTest Run
check_circle LiveTrading